The Full Story
The beginning
Hey there! I’m Safiyetou Diakite, the founder of Christion being. Our team is on a mission to share purpose, hope, and love to a lost world. Here is my story. Back in 2023, just when i started a new job, I found myself in a difficult and lonely place. I realized that I was chasing the wrong things over the past couple of years in my personal life and in business, and I finally gave in to God’s constant nudges.

More than a mission
All my life, I knew my purpose was to influence people positively and share truth with others. My faith in God was what I valued most, and I wanted desperately for all the world to hear about what He has done for them. But I didn’t know how, or what my role in His plan would be.
The dream
It was during that valley in 2023 that God put it on my heart to start another business. When He asked me to point others to Him through it, it finally all clicked. I had somewhat struggled in sharing my faith, and I had the idea of creating jewelry and apparel that would open doors to easily share my faith with others. I knew that it wasn’t just me that struggled with this, so I had no doubt that this could help many people.

Safiyetou Diakite
Founder of Christian Being
A simple "HEY I LIKE YOUR BRACELET" could turn into a life-changing experience for that person.
The name Christian being refers to a human being becoming a christian being. Because as christians, we are different from the world, we are a whole Being growing, changing, making mistakes but still trusting God. We will never be perfect; every single day we must work hard to grow in our relationship with our Creator. The bracelets (and now, apparel, rings & more) serve as a daily reminder to constantly strive to elevate our faith—to take our relationship with God to the next level and to share our faith with others.
Now, a few years later, Christian Being is experiencing a great growth, and I’m in awe of everything God is doing through this company year after year. Everyone who has been positively impacted through Christian being is a direct result of God being faithful and showing His power through something as simple as jewelry & apparel.
This is not about me at all. All the glory goes to God.
We have built an amazing community together, and I’m so grateful for your support. I couldn’t be more excited to watch this seed continue to grow alongside every one of you. We wouldn’t be here without all of YOU!